School Counselor
Elementary School Counselor

Welcome to the Elementary School Counselor webpage. My name is Marie Wurtz, and I am the school counselor for all students in grades PK-5. As an Afton Alumni, I truly feel blessed to work in the same community that helped shape and develop my formative years. I have been working at ACS for over ten years now. I enjoy being a part of students' daily lives by helping them to grow, learn, develop, and build relationships throughout their elementary school years.
As a school counselor, I work with students, staff, parents and community members to support student success. I deliver classroom lessons to all grade levels to teach students skills and competencies and to help support their developmental growth using research-based curriculum, like Second-Step, XELLO, ZONES of Regulation, and Kelso's Choice for Conflict Management. I also provide students with individual and small group counseling services. If you have any concerns you would like to discuss or if you have any questions, please contact me using one of the methods below.
Contact Information
Email Mrs. Marie Wurtz
Phone: (607) 639-8209
The Role of the School Counselor
Mission Statement
The mission at Afton Central School is to promote and enhance student learning through academic, career and social emotional development by working together as a team within an environment of respect, creativity, and academic challenge. We will use all available resources to help all students learn to be responsible, productive, and eager to continue learning, while becoming prepared to meet the challenges of a diverse society.
Student Learning Standards
Student Services

Programs & Lessons:
Second-Step Elementary Digital Program
Second-Step Bullying Prevention Unit
Second-Step Child Abuse Prevention and Personal Safety
Think First and Stay Safe
Kelso's Choice for Conflict Management
ZONES of Regulation
XELLO for College & Career Readiness
Groups offered to students:
Banana Splits for changing families (Grades 1-5)
Girls Friendship Groups (Grades 4th-5th)
Legos at Lunch Groups (All Grades)
Pro-Social Skills Groups (All Grades)
*Other lessons & groups scheduled based on student needs/concerns
Important Documents
Please click below to view the following documents pertaining to our ACS Counseling Program.
The Comprehensive School Counseling Program, PK-12
The Schoolwide Counseling Curriculum Map, PK-12