Alumni Association

The Afton Central School Alumni Association, an independent orgnization for ACS alumni and faculty, now has an informative web site (click here).
Alma Mater
You have been told in the stories of old,
Of the gold at the rainbow's end;
Of the silver that gleams in the land of our dreams,
Where hues of the rainbow blend.
There's a place that I know where the good fellows go,
And where each loyal heart beats high;
Tho' you search where you will you'll come back to it still,
Dear old building against the sky.
For the rainbow comes down in dear Afton,
In the center of Afton High!
There's a school that is worth all the wealth of the earth
And for her we'll live and die;
In the heart of our dear Alma Mater,
'Neath the hill looking over the town,
From out the blue of the sky into old Afton High,
That's the place where the rainbow comes down.
Ever loyal and true, Alma Mater, to you,
Are the sons of the White and Red,
Ever ready to fight for the cause that is right
'Til the last of the foe has fled;
And in time yet to come when our school days are done,
And we meet for the last goodbye,
Thru the mist of our tears we'll look back to the years,
That we spent in Afton High.