Frequently Asked Questions


Teamwork between home and school is vital to the success of our elementary school. We believe that it takes all of us, with our multiple skills, personalities, strengths and weaknesses, working together as a team to provide and produce the most effective educational experience to meet the needs of all of our children.

To help ensure the proper chain of command, please post the communication guideline that is included in this mailing by your phone. To re-cap, please call or email your child's teacher immediately with any questions or concerns so they may work with you prior to administrative involvement. The teacher should always be your first communication prior to contacting administration. If there is a concern regarding transportation, please call the Transportation Director, Mr. Jason Colwell, at (607) 639-1051.  If needed, Mr. Colwell will contact administration, and we will work together to address any bus related concerns. If there are Special Education, IEP, 504, O.T., P.T., Speech, or counseling concerns, please contact Director of Special Education, Nicole Ermlich, at (607)639-8252.

How can I get information about school events and programs? 

  • Elementary Newsletters: will be sent weekly via email. If you wish to receive the newsletter and are currently not subscribed, please contact the Elementary Office at (607) 639-8234.

  • Friday Folders: Your child will also receive a Friday Folder that should come home every Friday with important letters, announcements and your child’s schoolwork.

  • ACS website:

  • Afton Elementary Student Handbook: this will be sent home with your child the first week of school.

What if my child is absent?

  • Be sure to call the health office at (607)639-8212 to report your child’s absence.  Students must report to the health office the first day back after any absence, whether they have remembered their excuse or not.  Please send in an excuse with your child the first day after any absence. 

What if I need to change my child’s transportation arrangement?

Daily Change: Either send a note with your child in the morning or call the office at (607)639-8234 by 12:00 p.m. to inform us of alternate transportation arrangements.  No changes will be accepted after the 12:00 p.m. deadline.

  • Permanent Change:  Call or email Mr. Jason Colwell, Transportation Director, at (607)639-1051.

When does our school day end?

  • The school day ends at 2:52 p.m.   Students leaving prior will be marked as an early departure.  For attendance purposes, three tardies/early departures equal one absence.

  • IMPORTANT CHANGE for parent pick up.  Parents picking up their children will be doing so at the parent pick up location located in the ms/hs cafeteria.  You must send in a note or call before 12:00 p.m. to make any changes.  No children will be permitted to be picked up in the bus loop at dismissal.