Positivity Project (P2)
The Afton Central School District is excited to announce that we will be continuing to partner with the Positivity Project (P2) for the 2024-2025 school year. P2 is a character strength education program that focuses on empowering students to build positive relationships and connections within our school community.
What is the Positivity Project?
P2 is part of a nationwide movement used in over 750 school districts across the country.
The program asks students to reflect on the following:
Identifying and appreciating the good in others
Knowing that their words and actions affect others
Supporting others when they struggle
Cheering others on when they succeed
Being present and giving others their attention
Why Relationships?
Positive relationships are the cornerstone of health, happiness, and resilience...and jobs of the future.
P2 Mission and Vision Statements
The 24-Character Strengths
The program is focused on positive psychology's scientifically validated 24-character strengths. As part of the program, students will discover ways to recognize these strengths in themselves and others to help build stronger connections with others in their school community.
P2 for Families
P2 for Families is an easy and effective way for families to discuss the importance of character strengths and positive relationships. It is differentiated for grades PreK-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Each character strength follows a 1-1-3 model: 1 quote, 1 video, and 3 questions to drive conversations around character at home.
For more information click here
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