Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Thank you, Teachers!
Hello, Afton Community! The 6th graders won the class cell phone challenge. They earned cookies and a game of kickball in the afternoon! We are proud of their efforts! Thank you, Erika's Cakery and the Nineveh Country Store for your donations!
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Afton's 6th Grade class
Cell phone cookies from Erika's Cakery
Afton 6th Graders playing kickball
Afton 6th Graders playing kickball
Afton 6th Graders playing kickball
Hello, Afton Community! Here is the Legal Notice for Architectural and Engineering Services. It is located on our website in the documents folder. You can also access it at the following link: https://5il.co/1tsh8
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Afton Main Entrance
Our sixth grade students completed a sewing project in their home and careers course! They practiced several different stitches to make a bookmark! Keep up the great work, Students!
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
6th graders with sewing projects
Hello, Afton Community! Check out our elementary newsletter! https://5il.co/1txdf
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Afton Main Entrance
Ms. Reeder's high school students created bookshelves for Ms. Echevarria's ELA classroom! The students did a fantastic job on the project!
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Bookshelves made by students
Bookshelves made by students
Hello, Afton Community! The Cross Country Team is running a Golf Tournament Fundraiser. You can access these forms on the Cross Country page on the school website: /o/acsd/page/cross-country
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
2nd Annual BGAH XC/Indoor Track Golf Tournament Flyer with QR Code and signup information
Flyer with additional details
Flyer with additional information. Tradition starts here
Hello, Afton Community! This is a reminder that we will be completing New York State Testing for Grades 3-8 on Thursday (5/4) and Friday (5/5) from 8:00 to 11:00. Please make sure your children get a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast before the exam.
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Afton CSD Drone view
Hello, Afton Community! Here is the Budget presentation for tonight.
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Title Slide: Afton Crimson Knights 2023-2024 Budget Presentation
Vision - Afton Central School is committed to providing opportunities that ensure career and college readiness while meeting the diverse needs of our students and adults.  Mission Statement - Working together as a team within an environment of respect, creativity, and academic challenge, we will use all available resources to help all students learn to be responsible, productive, and eager to continue learning, while becoming prepared to meet the challenges of a diverse society.   Statement of Beliefs - Families, students, and staff want and deserve mutual respect, empathy and empowerment. Success takes everyone working together as a team (staff, parents, community members, Board of Education and administrators) for the highest levels of success to be achieved. Focus needs to always be centered around and about the students and what is best for children.
2023-2024 Budget Highlights: Revenue State Aid increase is $300,747 or 2.42% Fund Balance and Reserve usage $494,863 Calculated maximum allowable tax levy increase 3.03% Proposed tax levy increase 2.00%  Expenses New York State ERS increased to 14.8% New York State TRS decreased to 9.76% Health Insurance increased 1.9% Dental Insurance increased 6.34% Overall budget increase 3.32%
About the Budget: 2023-2024 Budget $18,463,044 Increase of $593,760 over 2022-2023 Budget 3.32% increase	 Tax Levy increase of 2.00%
Where does the money goEXPENDITURES	2022-2023		2023-2024	          Change	 Administrative	$2,527,425		$2,594,020		$  66,595	 Provides funds for general management and support activities including Board of Education, central and financial administration, staff support, central services, and special items. Also included are instructional administration and curriculum development. Program		$11,863,518		$12,077,340		 $213,822 Provides funds for instructional and educational support, computer assisted instruction, guidance, health, co-curricular, and interscholastic sports programs. Provides funds for the purchase of computers, network upgrades, computer enrichment programs, and music programs. Capital		$2,478,342		$3,791,684		$313,342 Provides funds for the operation and maintenance of the District’s physical plant, including utilities. Also, includes debt service payments.
Revenues: State aid slide from 2023-2024. Sate Aid: $12,428,430 to 12,729,177 in 2023-24. Taxes go from 4,853,656 in 2022-23 to 4,950,729 in 2023-24. Other goes from 119,227 in 2022 to 23 to 494,863 in 2023 to 24. Fund Balance and Reserves goes from $467,971 to 494,863. The total reserves were 17,869,284 in 2022-23 and are projected at $18,463,044 in the 2023 to 24 school year.
Pie charts representing the Revenu and Fund balance
Fund Balance borrowing   		2018-2019			$659,500	            		2019-2020			$336,700		            		2020-2021			$476,101		 		2021-2022			$201,166 		2022-2023			$302,971 		2023-2024			$494,863
Proposed new reserve accounts:Capital Reserve fund  Offset costs of future capital projects Funded with excess fund balance Term of 10 years Maximum contribution $5,000,000.00: Capital Bus Reserve fund For purchase of buses without borrowing Funded with excess fund balance and transportation aid Term of 5 years Maximum contribution of $10,000,000.00 Calculated maximum amount based on cost for electric buses.
Contingent Budget Proposed budget 				$18,463,044 Required cuts 				  ($ 115,299) Contingent Budget				$18,347,745 ** Under a contingent budget, certain equipment purchases, and certain salary increase 	must be removed. Contingent Revenue State Aid 					$12,729,177 Other 				  	    $ 264,275  Property Tax Levy (0% increase)		  $4,853,656 Use of Fund Balance 			     $500,637   Contingent Revenue	 		$18,347,745 ** The property tax levy must remain the same as the prior year.
Thank you, Afton Teachers! #ThankATeacher
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Thank you Teachers! Teacher appreciation day 2023
Hello, Afton Community! Afton Central School District is a fantastic place to work. Additional information and employment applications can be found here: https://www.aftoncsd.org/page/employment
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
We are hiring. Join Us! Elementary Teacher, Secondary Math Teacher, Bus Driver, Internal Claims Auditor
The annual ART@AFTON Student Art Show will be starting today May 2nd and will be on display through May 4th in the High School Library. The hours for the show are May 2nd and 4th from 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM and May 3rd from 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM.
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Art at Afton Student Art show May 2-4 at the ACS High School Library
Happy National Principals Day! We are so thankful for Dr. Mukhlis, Mr. Carle, and Mr. Wilson!
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
happy National Principals Day
Check out our menu for our May New York Thursday!
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
NY Thursdays: May 18th: Italian Sausage with Peppers and Onions. The Sausage and Onions are from Headwater (Ontario, NY).  Pioneer Potato Salad. The Bacon is from Catskill Smookehouse via the 607 CSA in Delhi NY, The Potatoes and Chives are from Headwater (Ontario, NY). Garden Salad: The Lettuce is from Breezy Hill Farm via the 607 CSA based in Delhi, NY. The Shredded Carrots and Tomatoes are from Headwater Ontario. The Apples are from Behlog and Son Produce in Conklin, NY.  The Milk is from Upstate Farms in NY.
Hello, Afton Community! Check out our weekly elementary newsletter at the link below: https://5il.co/1tjfv
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Afton Elementary Entrance
Afton honor roll students were rewarded with a field trip to Interskate 88! Students had a great time!
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
group photo of honor roll students
students skating around
Mr. Carle and students ready to play laser tag
students skating around
students skating around
students hanging around the snack bar
student skating
students skating
students skating
Hello, Afton Community! Please join us for our upcoming student art show!
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Afton at Art Student Art Show May 2-4, 2023. May 2nd and 4th: 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. May 3rd 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Hello, Afton Community! Please see the attached file for information about the Jane I. Schenck Trust Fund Loans. https://5il.co/1tayp
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Afton CSD main entrance
Happy Administrative Professional’s Day! Thank you to all of our administrative professionals for all that they do for our school community!
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
Happy Administrative Professionals Day
We extended the deadline for senior congratulation ads. If you would like to submit an ad, please go to the Afton Yearbook page on the Menu of our website. You can click on the Senior congratulations ad. You can also access it at the following link: https://store.shopyearbook.com/AftonCrimsonKnights We need all submissions by May 5th.
over 1 year ago, Afton Central School District
QR Code senior articles